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The Power of Words book written by Dr. Joseph D. Wimbley: A Theological Discussion Outlining the Authority of Words and Speech in the Spiritual and Physical Realms.

In our efforts to establish a closer relationship with God and share his word with the world, it's important we observe the Biblical implications that speech possesses unparalleled power to influence the spiritual and physical world around us. In fact, author Dr. Joseph D. Wimbley believes the spoken word is the bridge between our world and the next. In The Power of Words, he offers a theological discussion outlining the authority of words and speech in the spiritual and physical realms. He also: -charts various Biblical and historical accounts where the authority of speech and the power of words are apparent; -explores the power of prayer in our lives and how the right mindset and attitude can influence how we feel, what we say, and what we do; and -covers why it's important to acknowledge, learn, and share with the world a disciplined approach of how to use this power to serve God and his purpose in our lives. Dr. Wimbley communicates exploring the idea that science, Christian beliefs, and biblical text can all coexist and intersect in a way to achieve a dynamic understanding of the power of words. Demystifying some of the miracles of the Bible and the profound scientific implications that sound, vibrations, and frequency can provide as a tool for us all to achieve a greater understanding of our world. As we learn, we can take the power of words and not only use it to establish positivity into our lives but translate that power of words into the power of prayer, establishing a greater relationship with the creator.


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